Human Interest

Zlatan Ibrahimović Crushes Shooting Drill While Training With Swedish Club Hammarby

AC Milan striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic trained with Swedish club Hammarby as the global soccer shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic continues, and a brief bout of coughing didn't appear to trouble him as he practiced his shooting. 

Former Sweden forward Ibrahimovic, who is his country's record goal-scorer and owns a stake in the top-flight Stockholm club, took a full part in the training session that had a mixture of bright sunshine and brief showers of snow and hail. 

Investigation: What’s Everyone Doing On The Internet These Days?

For those who thought that marble racing, cherry pit spitting and the Stupid Robot Fighting League represented the future of sports, I regret to inform you that they’ve now each had their respective moments to shine and failed miserably.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has reshaped our lives now and forever, but there’s just no point in hoping that an android with a vacuum cleaner chassis for a body and plastic skateboard deck for a fist can ever captivate in the ways that Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo could.

Liverpool Great Kenny Dalglish Out Of Hospital After Coronavirus Infection

Former Liverpool player and manager Kenny Dalglish, who tested positive for the coronavirus, has been released from hospital, British media reported on Sunday. 

Liverpool said on Friday that Dalglish, 69, was admitted to hospital for an infection. He required intravenous antibiotics but was asymptomatic. The former Scotland international is now back home where he is self-isolating and he hailed the healthcare workers at the National Health Service (NHS) as they battle the pandemic that has killed over 108,000 people worldwide. 

1982 Brazil Team Gets Back Together To Help Brazil's Favelas Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Members of the 1982 Brazil national team and World Cup squad have reunited to ask their compatriots to work together and donate money to help the country’s overcrowded favelas avoid the worst ravages of the coronavirus.

In an initiative led by Paulo Roberto Falcao, 19 players, including Zico, Junior and Leandro, recorded a video message appealing for donations.

"The 1982 Brazil team was known for its creativity, union and collective work ethic," Falcao said. "Now we are springing into action for Brazil again."

11 Best Footballers’ Twitch Accounts You Should Be Following

Life has grown a bit dull these days. Now that we’re done binging Tiger King and everything else on Netflix, we’re left with a weird void in our lives.

Nike’s Living Room Cup Taught The Small Of My Spine A Lesson It’ll Never Forget

If you’re like me, this past month has been so goddamn awful for your fitness that you can only refuse to acknowledge anything. Without rec soccer and the gym, I’m half-man, half-beer. 

A few days ago I forced myself out on a run after being deeply troubled by an inner voice saying my time for running was now over — everything was just too exceedingly difficult to even contemplate doing, so don’t do it. That’s my mind without exercise. It’s a real bastard.

You Are Not Ready For These Freaky Soccer Cat Photos

There has been a near world-wide moratorium on the playing of soccer in recent weeks because of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The last few weeks have been particularly devastating for football fans around the globe who have nothing to watch on weekends, forcing them to interact with family members with whom they forgot they lived. But out of hardship comes art, and thus we have found a treasure trove of soccer cat stock photos. 

‘Sadio Mané: Made In Senegal’ Documentary Looks Incredible

Over the course of the last four years, Sadio Mané has become world-renowned while shining for Liverpool. He’s now a two-time PFA Team of the Year selection, a Premier League Golden Boot recipient, the 2019 African Footballer of the Year and a UEFA Champions League winner. 

If you ask Lionel Messi who the best player on the planet was last year, he’ll tell you it was Mané.

Former FOX Marketing Execs Charged In FIFA Corruption Probe

U.S. prosecutors on Monday announced new criminal charges against two former executives of 21st Century Fox Inc and others stemming from a long-running investigation of corruption surrounding FIFA, soccer's world governing body.

The former Fox executives, Hernan Lopez and Carlos Martinez, were indicted in Brooklyn federal court on wire fraud and money laundering along with Gerard Romy, former co-CEO of Spanish media company Imagina Media Audiovisual SL, and Full Play Group SA, a Uruguayan sports marketing company. Lawyers for the defendants could not immediately be identified. 
