Human Interest

Club With 27 Straight Wins Snubbed Promotion After Season Canceled

Liverpool fans are sweating after the English Football Association ended and scrapped all of the seasons in the National League System from the third division down. One of the clubs having its hard work scrapped is Jersey Bulls FC, a team that dominated its division by winning 27 straight. 

Real Madrid Converts Santiago Bernabéu Into Storage Facility For Coronavirus Donations

Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu stadium will be used as a makeshift storage facility as Spain faces an uphill battle against the coronavirus, the club announced on Thursday in conjunction with the country's Superior Sports Council. 

Spain is second only to Italy in numbers of deaths due to the virus, with the toll passing 4,000 on Thursday. Over 56,000 people have so far tested positive for the coronavirus in the country. The lockdown in Spain is expected to be extended once the initial 15-day measure is completed this weekend. 

CSL Hopes To Return Soon, But Fellaini’s Positive COVID-19 Test Might’ve Pushed That Back

Chinese football is inching towards a return to action, with teams resuming training this week, though questions remain over when exactly the country's top flight can kick off its coronavirus-delayed 2020 campaign. 

Ashley Young Shares Experience Of Living In Italy During Pandemic

Having spent over 15 years in England playing professionally with Watford, Aston Villa and Manchester United, Ashley Young now sits in the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in northern Italy. Young recently took the time to share with his Twitter followers what the situation looks like and to offer helpful advice.

New President And CEO Of U.S. Soccer Working To Rebuild Reputation With USWNT

U.S. Soccer hopes that resolving an ongoing pay equity lawsuit with its women's national team will be a first step in a "long process" to rebuild its reputation, the body's president and CEO told reporters on Tuesday. 

President Cindy Parlow Cone took over from Carlos Cordeiro less than two weeks ago after he resigned having taken responsibility for language used in a court filing that prompted public outcry, an on-field protest by players and rebukes from commercial sponsors. 

Lionel Messi, Pep Guardiola Donate $1.1 Million Each To Coronavirus Battle

Barcelona forward Lionel Messi and Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola have each donated $1.08 million towards the fight against coronavirus. Argentina international Messi’s donation will be split between Hospital Clinic in Barcelona and another medical center in his home country, according to a report in MARCA

José Mourinho Spends Time Off Delivering Food To The Elderly

Humanity is banding together to fight COVID-19 like that scene in Avengers: Endgame when all the heroes walk out of the portals together.

Cristiano Ronaldo Financing Portuguese Hospitals In Fight Against Coronavirus

Cristiano Ronaldo and football agent Jorge Mendes joined forces on Tuesday to donate lifesaving equipment to Portuguese hospitals struggling to treat patients with coronavirus. The two will donate equipment for two wards at Lisbon's Santa Maria hospital, providing the wards with 10 beds each, ventilators, heart monitors, infusion pumps and syringes, the hospital said in a statement. 

Finishing The Premier League Behind Closed Doors Is Increasingly Likely

Players have accepted that playing games in closed stadiums might be the only way to complete the English domestic league season, Bobby Barnes, deputy chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA), has said. 

With Olympics Postponed To 2021, Coaches Call For Change To Age Restrictions

Australia coach Graham Arnold has called for the age limit at the Tokyo Olympics football tournament to be raised to ensure that players who helped their country qualify remain eligible if the Games are postponed to 2021. The Olympic men's tournament is largely a youth affair, with squads allowed only three players above the age of 23. 
