
¿Cuál es el fútbol más rápido? ¿Son más rápidos los jugadores europeos o de la NFL?

Could Cristiano Ronaldo, Arjen Robben, or Gareth Bale out-sprint the NFL's fastest players? The answer might surprise you.

Pep Guardiola Loves His Players. And Tells Them Just How Much During This Drill.

Pep Graudiola showed his compassionate side at a recent Bayern Munich training session. His sweaty, yelling, overzealous compassionate side.

Aprende los 10 mejores movimientos destacados en todo el fútbol ... En 10 días

Cruyff, Maradona, Ronaldinho. Hemos encontrado los 10 mejores movimientos característicos inspirados por los jugadores y le mostramos cómo llevarlos a cabo. Mejor saca tus cuadernos.

Watch Bayern Munich's Dizzying 42-Pass Tiki Taka Training Drill

Judging by Bayern's winter training regime, reports of Tiki Taka's death have been greatly exaggerated.

Handy Video Explains What Soccer Position Numbers Mean For The Confused

Look, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. At one point or another, we were all newcomers to the game of soccer, ignorant of its ways. There was a time when, if you asked us what someone meant when saying that a #6 passed to a #10, who then slotted a #9 through to goal, we would have been able to explain it about as well as we could the plot of a vintage French film noir. 

No one can explain the plot of a vintage French film noir. 

Introducing The Most Advanced Training Simulator In The World

For those who don’t play soccer but have played FIFA, you know about all the little training exercises that clubs use to brush up on their skills. Well, Portuguese club Benfica have introduced a new state-of-the-art technological training room that blurs the lines between video games and reality. 

This Team Discovered The One Secret To Convert Every Penalty Kick

A penalty kick is one of the most stressful situations a soccer player can be in. There is immense pressure to convert because the odds are stacked so thoroughly in the taker’s favor, and this pressure, unsurprisingly, leads to more than its fair share of misses. 

But what if it was possible to guarantee a conversion every time a player steps up to the spot? Where would the pressure be then?

Case in point: Jeonbuk Motors of South Korea’s K-League          

Christian Eriksen Destroys Spurs Teammates In Crossbar Challenge

It’s a game that is dear to every soccer player: the crossbar challenge. If you've ever played the world's game, then you probably participated in some form of the crossbar challenge. In fact, you can go on YouTube and watch hundreds of videos of players showing off their crossbar challenge skills.

El único programa de ejercicios que reduce las lesiones del LCA en un 90 por ciento en las mujeres

Muchos atletas increíbles han desgarrado sus ligamentos. Derrick Rose, Adrian Peterson y Tom Brady sólo por nombrar algunos. Es probablemente el mayor temor para cualquier atleta que dependa de sus piernas, ya que la recuperación puede llevar hasta 10 meses - y eso ni siquiera incluye el aspecto psicológico de la lesión.

Bayern Munich Uses This Crazy Drill To Improve Finesse And Accuracy

Dubbed “‘Bucket Ball” (at least, by the Bayern YouTube account), this training drill is as wild and wacky a way to hone a player’s skills as The18 has ever seen. 

The level of technical quality needed to successfully complete a circuit of this drill is matched only by the childish inspiration that it took to create it.  Pep Guardiola is no stranger to finding new and creative ways to manage his team, but this might take the top spot in the ever growing list of “Reasons We Want To Work With Pep Guardiola."
