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Sydney Leroux: The Next Star Of The USWNT

Her social media game is on point and she is going to be one of America’s biggest personalities come the Women’s World Cup this summer. 

Sydney Leroux knew from a young age that she wanted to play soccer for the United States. The Canadian born Leroux played in the U-19 women’s World Cup as a 14-year-old for Canada, and after that she knew her next step was to find a way to play with the best team in the world.  

"I made the decision pretty young," she says. "I was 14 years old. No one really was like, 'Oh my God, stay here, please.' I kind of just left and that was it. I saw the U.S. as the best team in the world and that's what I wanted to be a part of. It was purely ambition."

Leroux is talking about her decision to move from Canada to Seattle to pursue her soccer career. In Seattle, she joined a competitive club team and home-schooled herself. Leroux’s coach actually told her that she would be ruining her career if she didn’t lace up for the Stars and Stripes. 

The 24-year-old is one of the newer faces on the USWNT, for those who haven’t paid as much attention to the squad since their 2011 World Cup loss in the finals. Leroux wasn’t on the squad then, but now she figures to be one of the key pieces in the ladies' quest to win their first World Cup since 1999. 

Since joining the team in 2011, Leroux is on a 1.3 goals per game pace, scoring 32 goals in her appearances for the USWNT. Combine her with the likes of Abby Wambach and Alex Morgan, and you have a front three that are going to cause fits this summer in her native Canada. 

Her decision to play for the United States wasn’t one that Canadians like to talk about. Leroux has been called a traitor and gets messages on social media all the time regarding her decision to play for the United States, only adding to the drama for the World Cup this summer. 

But Leroux has one of the biggest personalities on the team, so she's used to having all eyes on her. In particular, she is a butterfly when it comes to social media. She posts pictures and videos all the time, especially of her dog, Boss. Leroux even participated in the ESPN the Body issue.

You wouldn’t guess that hearing her story though: 

US Soccer: Sydney Leroux from Loren Mendell on Vimeo.

US Soccer: Sydney Leroux from Loren Mendell on Vimeo.

The U.S. have had three straight disappointing finishes at the World Cup. In our opinion, they are far and away the most talented team in the field for 2015 and, with the help of Leroux, Jill Ellis shouldn’t have any problem lifting the trophy this summer. 

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