Video Games

What If Soccer Was Scored Like Tony Hawk Pro Skater?

Okay, before we get started here, put this song on. It's a jam.

Okay, now you’re in the zone.

Are you tired of that one friend who ruins soccer spectating? You know the one, the person that constantly complains about a lack of scoring and sees the low accumulation of point totals as some kind of irrefutable condemnation of the sport. Yeah, that jagoff.

Which Top Youth Players Should You Buy In FIFA 17 Career Mode?

There are few things more satisfying in the FIFA series than taking your team of veritable nobodies and turning them into world-beaters in the FIFA 17 Career Mode. Similarly, there are few joys greater than finding the best young players and turning those undiscovered gems into champions. FIFA 17 is no exception to that rule, and so The18 is here to help with a list of the best young players to buy in your FIFA 17 career mode. 

Just a few points before we begin: 

5 Of The Best Soccer Commercials From The Past Year

One of the most beautiful things about soccer, particularly from an American perspective, is the absence of being bombarded by advertisements for a duration as long as the game itself. But when commercials are done right, they can become synonymous with the event and sometimes even more memorable. 

Here are five commercials that made us laugh, marvel and feel inspired over the course of the last year.

Watch Ray Hudson Lend His Magisterial Voice To FIFA 17’s Best Goals

The magisterial Ray Hudson has proven himself braver than a matador in a pink tutu by lending his voice to FIFA 17’s best goals of the year video. Listen to his celestial voice jackrabbit from one goal call to the next, cruising through these highlights like a finely tuned Ferrari.

They tell us all men are equal in God’s eyes, but Ray Hudson makes you seriously questions those words. This video is as electrifying as a toaster in a bathtub, AAAHHHHHHHHHHHARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! 

Four 24-Year-Old Hackers Brought Down By The FBI After Making $16 Million On FIFA

Nick Castellucci, Ricky Miller, Eaton Zveare and Anthony Clark, all 24, must’ve known things had gotten a little out of control when they began buying Audi A3s and Ford Explorers while their bank accounts showed that they’d become multi-millionaires.

One imagines the fright that Peter Gibbons, Samir Nagheenanajar and Michael Bolton felt in Office Space upon discovering a bug in their code that had inadvertently stolen way too much money from their company in only a few days.  

People Are Already Getting Way Too Good At FIFA 17 And Ignoring Loved Ones

FIFA 17 was released on September 27, 2016, giving players just over a month now to work on mastering the new version of the EA Sports soccer simulation. Some players have already gone beyond mastery level, bending the rules and laws of the game to score on bicycle kicks from 25 yards out.

The Latest FIFA 17 Glitches Make For Delightful Nightmares

GameSprout have released a “FIFA 17 FAIL Compilation” through their YouTube channel and it’s equal parts hilarious and terrifying. Whether its some not-so-subtle physical innuendo between the players, some terrifying bodily mishaps and transformations or the rendering of objects where they’re not supposed to be, the release of FIFA 17 has provided us with some fascinating in-game moments.

FIFA vs. Madden: Which Is The Best Sports Video Game Franchise Ever?

If you're a video game fan, and, more importantly, a soccer fan, you already know that FIFA 17 comes out today, September 27th. Thinking back to its origins in the 1990s, I ask myself this question: is there a better sports franchise when it comes to video games? 

Let's look at the competition. First up would have to be Madden NFL, the 'other' football. Another EA Sports series, Madden NFL began life in the late 1980s and is still going strong today. 
