Video Games

21 Tunes From 21 Different Countries For The FIFA 18 Soundtrack

September 29, 2017 is the day. It's the day when no one is allowed to bother you, except for friends and family that treat this hallowed twenty-four-hour period with equal solemnity. It's FIFA 18 Day, and not only is this year's holiday eagerly anticipated because we'll finally be able to play as the mighty Minnesota United FC, but also because we know that we’ll be treated to over 50 relatively unknown jams from more than 15 different countries by way of the always tremendous FIFA Soundtrack.

Ronaldo Included In FIFA 18 With Ridiculous 2002 World Cup Haircut

The OG Ronaldo, full name Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima, commonly known as the Phenomenon, has been included amongst five new announced FUT Icons for FIFA 18’s Ultimate Team mode. Alongside Pele, Diego Maradona, Lev Yashin (sporting a goalkeeper's cap) and Thierry Henry, we’ve got Ronaldo sporting his extremely fashionable 2002 FIFA World Cup haircut.

Cristiano Ronaldo Is The FIFA Cover Boy For The First Time In His Career

Cristiano Ronaldo has won just about every individual honor you can win during his career, but the ultimate prize, the cover of the FIFA video game, has always eluded him. Until now.

A new trailer for FIFA 18 has been released, and it is extremely Ronaldo focused. Check it out:

The Ultimate Horror Movie Starting XI

When it comes to the world of entertainment, movies, video games and soccer are all near and dear to our hearts. With the release of Alien: Covenant, the Friday the 13th video game and Saturday's Champions League final, we naturally had the idea of creating a starting XI that consists of horror movie icons.

The Starting XI of Horror Movie Icons

How To Do The 10 Best FIFA 17 Celebrations

Scoring in FIFA is one of the best feelings in the world, especially against your roommate or friend. Doing a cheeky celebration is the icing on the cake. Footballers are known for their iconic celebrations, such as Ronaldinho's hang loose, Pogba's dabbing, Ronaldo's jump and Gareth Bale's heart. The developers at FIFA have done the world a favor by letting users choose whatever celebration they want to extend the glory. Here are the top ten FIFA 17 celebrations and how to perform them.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for thrown controllers and broken friendships.
