
Watch: The 5 Greatest Barcelona Bicycle Kicks Of All Time

Sunday marked the 21st time in Luis Suárez’s six-year Barcelona career that he’d hammered a ball flush in the air — be it a volley, scissor or overhead kick — and into the back of the net. Frankly, there’s no one better on the planet with this demanding technique. Here’s that strike against Sevilla.   

The Cutest Top Bin Challenge Ever

Back in my day, social media was just starting to become a hot commodity and I’m only 22. The time of flip phones that could only call three people and using AIM to chat with your friends is long over. Nowadays parents can post videos of their kids and they go viral within seconds.

Two girls who have made a name for themselves via social media are Brooke Maryland, 7, and Ariana Dos Santos, 8. Both girls took part in the Top Bin Challenge and absolutely crushed it.

But most importantly, their celebrations are probably the cutest thing you will see all day.  
