
Charlie Adam Scores 65-Yard Wonder Goal For Stoke Versus Chelsea

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new candidate for goal of the year thanks to this 65-yard bomb from Charlie Adam of Stoke City

WHAT! These Ladies Completely Fool Arsenal With This Clever Free Kick

For once, “that deserves an Oscar” can be said about something good that happened on the pitch.

His First Touch For El Tri Just Might Be The Greatest Of All Time

Eduardo Herrera played his first ever game for Mexico against Paraguay, and he kicked off his international career in the best way possible.

They Wanted To Celebrate With Cartwheels And Kids. So The Other Team Scored From Midfield.

The K-Stars just scored a ridiculous free-kick, so of course they were going to celebrate. Some one just should have told them when enough is enough.

Who Says Defenders Can't Score?!

Roberto Carlos, David Luiz and Co. will disagree. Here are the 15 best defender goals of all-time!

PROOF: Cristiano Ronaldo Is the Best Shooter In The World

Lionel Messi may be the best player in the world, but when it comes to shooting, Ronaldo has him beat in spades.

Argentinian Nobody Scores The Goal That Gareth Bale Could Not

Pablo Barrientos saw Gareth Bale's shot from midfield that went off the post and thought, “I could have done that.” And so he did.
