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Ronaldinho Shows He's Still Got It With A No-Look Assist In A Testimonial

We miss Ronaldinho. 

We miss watching him run and pass and dribble and shoot. We miss watching him make defenders look silly, all the while with the silliest of smiles on his face. 

We miss the fun, the joy, the hijinks and the incredible moments of magic he produced when playing the beautiful game. 

Because Ronaldinho isn't currently on a team (seriously can someone just sign him please? Anyone? We don't care that he can't really run, just stick him at the top of the box and then watch him do something cool.), we've been missing those moments lately. Sure, we can go back and look at his Barcelona and PSG highlights, but it's not the same. Reminiscing about the good times isn't the same as being in the good times, as much as we try to tell ourselves the two are equivalent. 

There's nothing new for us to watch, to hold onto. Until now. Former Moroccan international Mustapha Hadji had his testimonial recently, and Ronaldinho was kind enough to show up and blow everybody away. Dinho was up to his old tricks with a gorgeous no-look chip that ended in a goal.

And, of course, he had to take some of the glory for himself, dribbling through the other team's defense and scoring. 

Yes, it was just a friendly, but it's something we can hold on to until someone (God willing) signs him. Long live the king, Ronaldinho.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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