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Player Drinks A Beer, Then Scores The Game Winning Goal.

Sometime you just need a beer. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, the beer won’t drink itself. There are plenty of excuses when it comes to knocking back a cold one, most of them aren’t very good. “Just drink it." How about that? Anyway, any old excuse seems like it will fit with Massimo Maccarone’s beer drinking celebration. 

He did so after scoring a go-ahead goal for Empoli against Bologna in Serie A. A pretty good excuse, all things considered. 

He then went on to score another go-ahead goal — the game winning one at that — after Bologna equalized the score at 2-2. We can’t say that the beer gave Maccarone Popeye-like powers, but we choose to believe this is the case.

Will he get fined? Was this his most noteworthy contribution to Serie A in years? Has he just kicked off Bologna’s relegation tumbling with a frothy swig?

Find out next time on “Serie A: More Than Just Juventus.”

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