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Manchester City's Ilkay Gundogan Tribute Was So Touching People Joked He Was Dead

Ilkay Gundogan. Gone but not forgotten.

The German midfielder's teammates paid a touching tribute to their fallen comrade before their match against Arsenal Sunday. Gundogan figured to be a big part of Manchester City's title challenge this season before he was stricken down.

He's still alive. We should mention that. He blew his knee out and will likely be out for the rest of the season, but he is definitely not dead. He just got a really touching tribute from his teammates who are really sad that they have to play with the likes of Fernandinho in central midfield for the rest of the season.

If Manchester City are going to prepare extravagant tributes, they should do so for Vincent Kompany, who is injured so often he just might die one of these days.

Think of the uproar when Gundogan rises from the injured list and returns to the field next season! There will be parades and new religions.

Rest in peace, Ilkay Gundogan. Really, get some rest. Make sure that knee heals up properly.

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