World Cup

Are The Struggles Of The USWNT A Preview Of The World Cup?

USWNT team fell to France in their first game of the year, and all their off the field drama could be the reason why.

Can You Guess What Messi Is Staring At In The Photo Of The Year?

This photo of Lionel Messi was voted given first prize at the 2015 World Press Photo Contest. But what is he staring at?

Hope Solo Suspended 30 Days - Could Her World Cup Be In Jeopardy?

Troubled U.S. goalie Hope Solo may miss the World Cup because of a recent DUI incident involving her and her husband.

Is This Man Really In The Running To Be FIFA President?

Ex-France midfielder David Ginola has announced his intention to stand in the upcoming FIFA Presidential elections. With important deadlines looming less than a month away, is he really serious?

Player Killed In Russia Shows Just How Dangerous 2018 Could Be

Gasan Magomedov was gunned down over the weekend. The dangerous area where he was killed is only a day’s drive from three Russia 2018 World Cup stadiums.

FIFA To Release Report. Play Us All For Fools Again.

FIFA is releasing the full version of Michael Garcia’s report on his investigation into claims of corruption regarding the choice of Russia and Qatar as hosts of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

FIFA had previously released its own summary of Garcia’s report, but that summary was largely met with incredulous indignation. The summary was such a misrepresentation of Garcia’s report that Garcia resigned in the aftermath of its release. 

A Memorial For The Workers Of The Qatar World Cup That Will Reach A Mile High

There’s no two ways about it. The 2022 Qatar World Cup is a disaster. The topic is one that we’ve payed close attention to here at The18, especially the human working conditions, which are pretty much akin to modern day slavery. According to the International Trade Union, an estimated 4,000 people will die building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup given the current rate of on-the-job deaths, and it seems like no one is doing anything about it.

The Rest Of The World Is Scared Of The USWNT

The United States Women’s National Team has been drawn into Group D for the Women’s World Cup in Canada this summer, the hardest group of the entire competition. Followers of the United States Men’s National Team will remember the U.S. being drawn into a similar "Group of Death" in Brazil. This time, however, things are a bit different. 
