
This Golf Club Wouldn't Admit Steven Gerrard Because Of A Brawl

Steven Gerrard will not be playing golf at a club that he applied to because of an incident that took place in 2013. Gerrard applied for membership at the Hillside Golf Club, but was rejected by the club due to an incident in 2013 in which a video surfaced that purportedly shows Gerrard punching a man in a street fight. 

We'll let you decide for yourself:

Steven Gerrard Maybe Punched A Person

Science Is On The Verge Of A Massive Discovery. Soccer Could’ve Helped.

US scientists are on the verge of announcing the discovery of gravitational waves, ripples in spacetime that Albert Einstein first predicted over 100 years ago. 

This Company Will Change The Way You Watch Soccer Forever

It's hard being a soccer fan in the United States. You have to be content with watching your favorite teams on television while quietly scrounging up pennies for that pilgrimage to the promised land. In fact, 53,000 American 'soccer tourists' made the trek to Britain in 2014, and soccer tourism in general contributed 684 million pounds to the British economy that year.

He Scored From 70 Yards Out. You Can Hear His Scream Of Joy From A Lot Farther

You know a goal was ridiculous when the player who scored it celebrates by screaming like he just pranked his entire team. It’s simple logic, and it goes without saying that this Gael Clichy training goal is my case in point.

Crazy Brawl Breaks Out During Women's French League Game

Any stereotypes about women that you readers may harbor should have been thrown out years ago (seriously, it's 2016), but they should especially be thrown out in light of this video. On a similar note, any stereotypes you may harbor about the French — actually keep those, but forget they exist for like a minute.

Women's Soccer Brawl

A few takeaways:

Video: Giovani Dos Santos Gets Punk’d By Steven Gerrard And Robbie Keane

The LA Galaxy have all the pieces in place for a great 2016 season. The offensive star power of Giovani dos Santos, Steven Gerrard and Robbie Keane has been complimented by the additions of Belgian defensive stalwart Jelle Van Damme, English great Ashley Cole and kung fu master Nigel de Jong.

Bayern Munich Practiced In The Cold, And Thomas Muller Did The Most German Thing Imaginable

"That's the most German thing I've ever seen."

This was my reaction to the following video of a Bayern Munich winter training in which Bayern attacking midfielder Thomas Muller shows everyone how few f*cks he gives about the cold.

An Italian Striker Had To Play Goalie...And It Did Not End Well

We've all seen it. A goalkeeper gets sent off and the substitute keeper comes on and immediately has to face a penalty. What a difficult task that must be, and it's exactly the situation Serie B side Bari faced in their game against Crotone. Except...they had no substitutions left and were faced with the prospect of putting one of their outfield players in goal. So up stepped striker Riccardo Maniero, who quickly threw a goalie jersey on with all the grace of a teenager who slept through their alarm. Guess how well that worked out. 

This Awkward Reporter Can’t Deal With How Badly Scotland Failed On Live TV

It sucks to be Scottish football right now. First they made soccer look like the worst version of keepy-uppy ever, now they can’t even set up their own tournament. Keep in mind that the following clip of an awkward reporter and the president of the Scottish FA was broadcast on national television. 

Manchester United Youngster Scores FIVE Against Norwich...One Of Them Is A Must-See

So, you know how everyone was saying Manchester United needed a striker, and Van Gaal responded by selling Chicharito and Robin van Persie, loaning out Adnan Januzaj and James Wilson and refusing to replace any of them? Yeah, that was stupid. Anyways, it looks as if he may have done one thing right by recalling Will Keane from loan.
