Every Player In The Zinedine Zidane Song, Ranked
You all know the song. It's one of the most famous songs about soccer ever: a man listing off names of past and present elite players while championing Zinedine Zidane in the chorus. But who is really "the strongest of them all"? Well, here's my ranking:
How Arsenal's Invincibles Destroyed Everyone
Halftime Reporter Aaron Chen Gives Hilarious Interview
Ajax Hype Video For Europa League Final
Psychic Cow Predicts Winner Of Tomorrow's Europa League Final
I know what you're thinking, we're all crazy for putting this much faith in a cow to predict the outcome of something people in Las Vegas often miss. But, Paul The Octopus predicted Germany winning the World Cup in 2014, so I have faith in this cow.
Relive The Game When Manchester City Won The Premier League
This Liverpool End-Of-Year Video Will Elevate Your Heart Rate
If you melted this video down and injected it into your bloodstream, you would spontaneously combust.
So don't do that. Watch it though.
When I'm Liverpool - Season 2016/17 mega review #LFC
— Dean (@DeanCoombes) May 21, 2017
F2 Clinical Accuracy On Mini Goal
Jonathan Klinsmann Thinks He's Joe Hart
Jonathan Klinsmann is young and still has a lot of growing up to do. Goalkeepers generally improve with experience more so than other positions and tend to peak in their late 20s and early 30s. So we're not that worried about him yet.
That said, he should stop watching tapes of Joe Hart.