
Messi Returns To Training, Gets A Standing Ovation For His Baby-Making Skills

Lionel Messi missed Barcelona’s 2-0 victory over Malaga at the weekend because of the birth of his third child, Ciro. Ciro joins Thiago, age 5, and Mateo, age 2, as nearly 30% of the Messi children needed to field an entire XI of Messi children. 

Watching Lionel Messi Training Will Make Your Heart Smile In Time For Valentine’s Day

You’d think we’d get tired of endless videos of Lionel Messi making opponents look silly in matches. Maybe you’d be right (not really, but just go with me for a minute). So to switch it up, here’s a Messi training video of the Argentinian making his own teammates look silly in practice. 

Rare 2005 Nike Commercial Featuring Messi Shows How Life’s A Cruel Mistress

This fantastic Nike “Recuerda mi nombre” (“Remember my name”) advert from 2005 has aged wonderfully over the last 13 years because (1) nothing can take away from how poignantly dramatic it is (2) in hindsight, its co-stars went on to wildly different but fascinating things (3) it’s basically a superb representation of the concept of negative capability — it’s a pursuit of a vision of artistic beauty that invites uncertainty and confusion rather than an image of what’s sure and definite.
