Serie A

Luca Toni Says Farewell To Football With A Gorgeous Panenka Penalty

2006 World Cup winner Luca Toni signed off on his illustrious career with an audacious Panenka penalty against Juventus this weekend, leading Verona to a shock 2-1 victory over Juventus.

Paul Pogba Wants To Be The Best In The World And Doesn’t Care Who Knows It

Look up to Paul Pogba. The french midfielder is currently wearing #10 for the best team in Italy, Juventus, and is just about all you could want from a footballer. He would be so even if he existed only on the pitch, that’s how good his skills, are.

It takes more than just skills be a great player however, and Pogba has shown time and time again he has has exceptional character as well.

Milan Legend Paolo Maldini To Receive One Club Man Award

In 2015, Spanish club Athletic Bilbao started the "One Club Man Award," which aims to celebrate players outside of Athletic who spent their entire career at one club. The first award was given to Southampton's Matt Le Tissier last year, in recognition of "Le God's" 16 seasons at the the English club. 

Paul Pogba Got Extraordinarily Turnt After Juventus Clinched The Scudetto

We'll give Napoli this: they put up quite a fight. Gonzalo Higuain and company kept the Serie A race at least watchable for most of the season, and for 88 minutes Monday against Roma it looked like the race would continue, at least mathematically, for another week. Then Roma's Radja Nainggolan put Napoli in a 1-0 hole and handed the Scudetto to Paul Pogba and Juventus, the Old Lady's fifth straight title.

And then during the celebration, Paul Pogba, one of the world's most coordinated humans, got super turnt and did this.

AC Milan Are Having A Bad Season. They Just Embarrassed Themselves Even More

Usually when the phrase "adding insult to injury" is used, it isn't because the injured party then made it worst by insulting themselves. That, however, is just what happened during AC Milan's Serie A match against 17th place Carpi.

Everyone Broke Down Into Tears When Totti Sent Roma Into The Champions League

I’m so sorry, Totti. I was wrong, I was so wrong. Your last goal wasn’t your last goal ever for AS Roma. It was just the beginning of a glorious farewell tour.

You scored two goals against Torino to win the game 3-2 and to secure Roma a place in the Champions League next year. You did that after 597 games and 247 goals for AS Roma. You did that after being the hero of AS Roma for 24 years.

Dries Mertens Completes Hat Trick With This Stunning Goal

With the blink of an eye, the ball was in the back of the net and Napoli were celebrating. Dries Merten's third goal of the night was a stunningly powerful shot that beat Bologna keeper, Antonio Mirante. The Belgian international received the ball on his left, beat one defender and ripped a right footed shot in the top right corner. He scored in the 58th, 80th and 88th with his last one being the best. Napoli would go on to crush Bologna 6 - 0. 

Francesco Totti’s Last Goal For Roma Left A Commentator In Tears

Francesco Totti is one of the most respected players int he world because he has stayed at the same club for his entire career, and what a career it has been. At 39 years old, he has played for AS Roma and only for AS Roma since 1992. That’s 24 years at the same club, for much longer than half of his life.

But like all players he will eventually have to retire, and it is looking more and more like this might be the year he’ll do it.

Silvio Berlusconi's Itchy Trigger Finger Is Holding AC Milan Back

It's sometimes difficult to tell what Silvio Berlusconi wants with AC Milan.

It seems anytime the Rossoneri gain a foothold, Berlusconi arrives right on time with a tiny rock hammer and chips it away. And thus, that familiar refrain has again been trundled out as Sinisa Mihajlovic found himself on the end of Berlusconi's perpetual restlessness.

What If Giuseppe Rossi Had Played for the United States Instead Of Italy?

Giuseppe Rossi is perhaps the greatest American soccer player to never have played for the United States Men’s National Team. Why? Well, because he chose to play for Italy instead. But that’s actually not what I want to talk about. While it is a fascinating story, the real story here is the aftermath of Rossi’s decision. Not on the soccer field, but in everyday life.
