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Watch This Unfortunate Soul Have A Penalty Saved Three Different Times

A penalty kick is understandably the tensest moment in soccer. All eyes are on the taker and the goalie. Nothing else is happening. All the pressure is on the penalty kick taker, because he or she is expected to score. A 12-yard shot with no defense should be a simple exercise for a professional soccer player. There is no pressure on the goalie, with the crowd not expecting the penalty saved.

But, as this poor soul found out, nothing is ever that simple, and when you screw up a penalty kick the whole stadium laughs at you. And when you screw up a penalty kick three times, you have to change your name and move to a different country. At least, that's what we would do.

Penalty Saved Three Times

An outrageous triple save all while the stands are on fire

A video posted by Barstool Sports (@barstool_sports) on

Our heart weeps for this poor man, who the fans will never take seriously again. But the rest of us laughs at him, because he had a penalty saved three times and that is hilarious.

He should move to somewhere they've never even heard of soccer, like Texas (Nacogdoches notwithstanding). We recommend "Rusty Shackleford" as a fake name. 

(H/T Esquire)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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