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Watch: Sergio Aguero 5 Goals For Manchester City

It seems that hat tricks are already a piece of cake in modern soccer. Now the fashion is to score five goals within a few minutes of a match, as Sergio Aguero did for Manchester City this weekend.

On September 22, Robert Lewandowski did it in nine minutes in the Bundesliga, and now Aguero has emulated Bayern Munich’s forward in a 6-1 win over Newcastle in the Premier League.

Aguero scored all five goals in a span of just 20 minutes, setting the record for fastest to score five goals in Premier League history and matching the Premier League record for goals in a game, and was removed from the field by manager Manuel Pellegrini after 70 minutes played because of a muscle injury incurred against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League last Wednesday.

"Maybe he can score one or two more, but we have to have a precaution because he can be injured," Pellegrini said after the game."He needed treatment at half-time. He has a kick in his hamstring so it was important just to relax him because he was not 100 percent comfortable."

Sergio Aguero 5 goals

Photo: @LigadeCampeones | Twitter

"I am very happy for Kun," Pellegrini said. "He deserves it. He is always a player who makes a difference. For different reasons in the last games, he missed important chances but he was calm."

"He (Aguero) demonstrates every year what he can do. Last year he was the top scorer of the Premier League. Three years ago, he decides the title in two minutes," Pellegrini said.

Sergio Aguero 5 goals break goal drought

Before the five-goal outburst, Aguero hadn't scored in 465 minutes of play in the Premier League.

Aguero joins Luiz Adriano, Lionel Messi and Radamel Falcao as prominent South American players to score five goals in a game in European competition.

"It is always amazing to see a player score five goals," Pellegrini said.

Sergio Aguero 5 goals:

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