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Vanishing Spray Coming To The EPL

The MLS started using the vanishing spray back in 2011 and countries like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile had used it even before that. Now, the English Premier League will follow the lead of those countries (and this past World Cup) and start using vanishing spray on August 16th after announcing it on their Twitter feed. 

The EPL said they would not start using the spray until they really monitored it in other competitions, and it seems that the World Cup was the finalizing decision for Chief Executive Richard Scudamore. 

“It was clear from watching the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil that vanishing spray benefited referees, players, and all of those who watched the matches.”

The spray will also be used in the this season's Champions League campaign and La Liga. 

The spray evaporates after about a minute and it helps keep players from cheating ground when placing walls on set pieces. It's a tiny change for the upcoming season, but it's a good change. It could also possibly lead to more changes for the English Premiere League. (That's right people, we’re talking about instant replay.)

The popularity and awesomeness of goal line technology was a hit a the World Cup and we could only hope that other leagues will start to embrace new technology like this. Maybe this magic little spray is the first of bigger things to come for the World's biggest league. 

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