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Some Fans Rushed The Field In Spain. It All Went Horribly Wrong

Some days we can't help but conclude that soccer fans are just the worst. Today is one of those days. Some Spanish soccer fans rushed the field during a game Sunday and stabbed Alhaurin de la Torre striker Samuel G.P. in the heart. We are not making this up. We wish we were.

Some details from AS (translation via Deadspin):

The incident occurred immediately following the match when a group of fans jumped onto the pitch and grabbed the player by the neck to try to strangle him, according to La Opinión de Málaga. “At first they tried to cut off his breath and then struck him with a knife,” witnesses told the Málagan paper.

One of El Palo’s assistants was also injured while trying to bring peace, though his injuries are not life-threatening as he was struck in the leg. So far there have been no arrests related to the case.

Oh for f***'s sake, will you people please stop taking a silly game so seriously? We know you won't, but we thought we'd ask anyway.

Reportedly, Samuel G.P. is recovering in the hospital and doing well, so at least this incident isn't a complete tragedy. 

When we heard the news we couldn't help but think of the fight scene from Anchorman. We didn't know Brick Tamland was a Spanish soccer fan.

Spanish Soccer Fans Are Like The News team From Anchorman

(H/T Deadspin, Marca, AS)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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