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Predictaroo Knows Who Will Win (And Other Superstitions)

Talent, skills, speed, defense – bah-humbug! Who needs those when you have superstition, divine intervention and clairvoyant critters? The18 has taken a look at all the most compelling superstitions that tell us who will win the World Cup this year.

Don't believe us? Perhaps this will convince you. Heading into yesterday's 7-1 thumping of Brazil by Germany, superstition would have told us NEVER to allow Mick ‘Jinxed’ Jagger to cheer for the Brazilian teamBrazilians still blame him for their loss in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa as any team he supported quickly succumbed to defeat. His curse has continued to the current world cup with losses for England and Italy. Lo and behold, there he was in the stands yesterday for perhaps the most shocking margin of victory in a World Cup semi-final match in history – in what proved to be an assault on both the Brazilian team's pride and national psyche.

Mick Jagger talks to Brazilian fans in the stands

Mick Jagger chats casually with Brazilian fans as if their entire world isn't about to crumble before their very eyes (Photo: @2014WC_Brazil | Twitter)

So, ignore these superstitions at your own risk. Clearly, other-worldly forces are at play.


Lionel Messi(ah) appears destined to bring victory to his country as he is the same age – 26 – as Diego ‘hand-of-God’ Maradona when Argentina last won the World Cup. Too out there? Perhaps you can buy into the amazing Argentine coaches theory. Argentina, Chile and Colombia all have Argentine coaches this year; after 14 total games, there were 11 wins, with the 3 losses conceded to teams still in the running for the Cup. Argentina, still undefeated in the tournament, should benefit the most as they have an Argentine at the helm of own home country. Or forget Argentine coaches, and note that Pope Francis is rumored to be offering up his prayers on behalf of the Argentine squad. Despite public vows of neutrality...

His love for Argentine soccer is well-known and he’s been spotted waving an Argentine flag as recently as June 2014. 

Argentina PopePope Francis waiving an Argentina jersey in Saint Peter's Square on June 25th. (Photo:

Pope Francis waiving an Argentina jersey in Saint Peter's Square on June 25th. (Photo:


Coach Louis van Gaal vows to wear a lucky wristband made by the child of a sponsor until the Dutch reach the finals in Brazil.

Louis van Gaal lucky braceletMaybe Louis van Gaal's lucky orange bracelet helped Tim Krul predict each of Costa Rica's penalties. (Photo:@worldsoccertalk | Twitter)

Maybe Louis van Gaal's lucky orange bracelet helped Tim Krul predict each of Costa Rica's penalties. (Photo:@worldsoccertalk | Twitter)

Beyond the coach’s personal superstition, history is made to be broken. The Dutch have not won a World Cup in 84 years of play, nor has a European team won a World Cup hosted in South America; of course, this latter theory benefits Germany, too.

Something the Germans do not have that the Dutch do: a secret weapon in back-up-goalkeeper Tim Krul. Brought on as a surprise to all in the Netherlands-Costa Rica shootout, he approached each shooter, stared them down and used some Jedi mind-trickery to send the Dutch to the semi-finals. 


Nutella Fluch, clearly. For you English-speaking types, that’s fear of Nutella spread. No one on the national team may appear in commercials for Nutella. Ever. Don’t even think about it, especially when national pride is on the line. Past players endorsing the product saw their games fall apart in games that followed.

If you’re a gambling sort instead of a Nutella aficionado (who are you??), odds favor Germany to take home the Cup. And, after the team's performance versus Germany, unless Nutella signs Thomas Muller to a 7-figure contract some time in the next 96 hours, it seems likely that Germany's luck may just keep rolling.

Still can’t figure out which country will prevail?

Try following the picks of Flopsy the Kangaroo (aka "Predictaroo"), who tells us that most certainly Argentina will win their semi-final match today versus the Netherlands. Don't like this pick? (Who can blame you – kangaroos have beady little eyes and short arms.) Then maybe Shaheen the camel, ‘Amazon toothsayer’ Pele the Piranha, the predicting penguins or some of their other mystical brethren are more your speed.

After all, we're pretty sure there's an all-knowing animal out there to tell you anything you want to hear.

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