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Jamaican Average Joe And Lionel Messi Combine For Selfie Of The Year

As Jamaica bow out of the Copa America after suffering their third 1-0 defeat in a row, Jamaican forward Deshorn Brown decided to leave with a piece of digital gold. 

Brown pulled out his cell phone and asked Barcelona star Lionel Messi to take a post-match selfie with him to mark the pinnacle of his tour with Jamaica. It’s not everyday you get to play alongside one of the world’s best, and Brown wasn’t going to think twice about the comedic headlines that would come out the next day. 

The ultimate selfie

Selfie of the year winner: Deshorn Brown. Photo: @br_uk | Twitter

After Higuain netted an early goal for Argentina, the game was controlled by the South Americans till the final whistle. Unlike Neymar’s disastrous display after their 1-0 loss to Colombia, Messi was very polite when asked to have his picture taken. 

Just another reason to love Messi and his world-class image. If Argentina’s good form continues into the round of eight, Lionel Messi could finally end his drought of international trophies by lifting the Copa America Cup of 2015. This would be his first major trophy while wearing the blue and white of Argentina after falling short in the 2014 World Cup final.

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