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Andros Townsend’s Remarkable 80-Yard Run Wins Goal Of The Month

Andros Townsend’s decision to leave Newcastle United after their relegation still doesn’t sit well with me. He was a poor man’s Arjen Robben, but that’s no bad thing. If he’s on the right, he’s cutting inside and he’s unleashing a left-footed shot that’s flying into the corner. At least that’s what happened during his 13 games at Newcastle.

Along with the rest of the Crystal Palace team he’s been awful this season. It’s hard to pinpoint where it’s gone wrong, but no it isn’t. Alan Pardew was the manager.

Here’s Andros Townsend unleashed, doing what he does best — sprinting very fast, very far, throwing in a couple of step-overs and finishing with his left foot. Vintage Robben Townsend.

Here’s to Crystal Palace getting relegated, Newcastle getting promoted and Townsend coming home. This is a failure of journalistic ethics, but I’m only talking to the air.

Here's Townsend breaking down his goal — he ran very fast and very far.

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