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The 5 Worst Horror Tackles Of The 2015-16 Premier League Season

England is known for it’s rough-and-tumble, all-action playing style. The Premier League is no stranger, for better or for worse, to crunching tackles and fierce 50/50 challenges. 

While officials in the EPL have been working to cutdown on the horror tackles, from behind and/or with the studs showing, that result in terrible injuries, there’s no denying that soccer is an inherently physical game and will remain so for the forseeable future.

While the perpetrator is never going to claim that his tackle was intentionally malevolent, apart from Roy Keane, these 5 horror tackles represent the worst of the 2015-16 season so far.

5 Worst Horror Tackles Of The 2015-16 Premier League Season    

#5: Sunderland's Jeremain Lens on Winston Reid

On October 3, Jeremain Lens went from hero to villain for Sunderland in the space of 35 minutes. The Black Cats man scored with a sublime lob in the first half before being sent off in the 57th minute for this second bookable offense against West Ham. 

Sunderland squandered a two goal lead which increased the pressure on then beleaguered manager Dick Advocate.

#4: Arsenal's Santi Cazorla on Cesc Fabregas  

Happier times for Chelsea as they defeated Arsenal 2-0 on September 19, 2015. For Cesc Fabregas, not so much. He was on the receiving end of a crunching tackle from Arsenal’s Santi Cazorla. 

The Spanish midfielder received a straight red for this reckless slide. For Fabregas, it was one of his most influential contributions throughout 2015. 

#3: West Brom's James McClean on Adam Smith

West Brom manager Tony Pulis once said James McClean is “not the sharpest tool in the box” and this tackle will serve as evidence. His manager went on to label this particular challenge as “stupid”, as the Irishman was sent off against Bournemouth in their 2-1 defeat. 

The challenge came after McClean and Smith had squared off just minutes earlier. It's a rough piece of petulance from the winger that ultimately cost his team.

#2: West Ham's Adrián on Jamie Vardy

Perhaps the only misfortune to strike Leicester’s Jamie Vardy this season has come in the form of Adrian’s leg. The West Ham United goalkeeper was sent up the pitch deep into added time to find an equalizer for his side. 

Ultimately, he only found Vardy’s chest with his cleats. Ouch.

#1: Everton's James McCarthy on Dimitri Payet

James McCarthy sidelined one of the Premier League’s finest attacking talents with this horror tackle in November. Dimitri Payet was instrumental in West Ham’s early season fortunes but now faces months on the sideline because of this particular piece of nastiness. 

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