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Ghana Striker Asamoah Gyan Forced to Publicly Deny Ritual Killing

As accusations go, human sacrifice is quite a doozy. 

Following the disappearance of Ghanaian rapper Castro the Destroyer and his girlfriend in a Jet Ski accident back in July, former Sunderland striker Asamoah Gyan has been at the centre of rumours and allegations within the Ghanaian media, ranging from culpability for the pair’s disappearance all the way to murdering the couple as part of a ritual killing to enhance his own career.

Gyan was holidaying with friends including Castro – with whom he recorded a number of songs under the pseudonym "Baby Jet" – when the rapper disappeared whilst riding a Jet Ski off the coast of Ada with his girlfriend Janet Bandu. Both are still missing two months on. 

Gyan and Castro together

Gyan and Castro (Photo: @ViralEffecto | Twitter)

Although the head of criminal investigations for the Ghana Police Service has declared that Gyan and his family are assisting the police “tremendously” and that they have no grounds to arrest the Al Ain striker, the Ghanaian media has continued to point the finger at their country’s all-time leading goal-scorer. At a press conference organised by the Ghana FA less than two weeks ago, Gyan was directly asked by journalist Daniel Kenu of Ghana’s Daily Graphic newspaper whether he had sacrificed Castro as part of a black magic ritual; Kanu was allegedly assaulted the following day by Gyan’s older brother, Baffour, though the charges were later dropped.

Further grist was added to the mill earlier this month when “ace lawyer” (not our words) Dr Maurice Ampaw told a Ghanaian radio station that Castro was alive and Gyan knew his whereabouts, adding: “I promise by the end of this month, I will come out with more revelations.”

All of which led to the Gyan family issuing a lengthy statement yesterday categorically denying any responsibility for, or involvement in, the disappearance of Castro and Janet Bandu, either through negligence or ritual slaughter. For what it’s worth (and we suggest: little), Dr Ampaw continues to assert that the Gyans are up to no good.

Honestly, we’re not making any of this up. While The18 doesn’t want to make light of the likely death of two human beings, it’s hard to deny that this whole story is what the Beastie Boys would categorize as some “crazy ass sh*t”: Ronaldo to United transfer rumours are positively mundane by comparison.

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