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There’s No Danger Here, But Then There’s A Puskas Award Worthy Goal

This is what’s referred to, in the entertainment industry, as a slow burner. Kortrijk’s Elohim Rolland (in the Belgian First Division), is just shielding the ball from a defender near the midfield sideline. There’s clearly no danger here, and another defender jogs over to help end this nonsense.

Rolland is now casually shielding the ball from two defenders, and his teammates are probably getting a little pissed at how long he’s taking on the ball. But suddenly he springs into life! 

He snakes through his markers, cuts inside another shocked defender and then absolutely lets fly from around 30 yards out. It’s a missile that flies into the far corner. It started out as your least favorite clip ever and turned into the most unforgettable 13 seconds of your life. 

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