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You Have Seen Fans Prank Clubs Before. But Not Like This.

We can all agree that soccer fans tend to go a little overboard in supporting their teams from time to time.

Hooligans, they're called, and they like to yell obscenities and get in fights and commit shenanigans when their team stinks. 

Well, the fans of one club in Poland have got the rest of them beat by the length of a Manuel Neuer goal kick. Apparently, the fans of Zawisza Bydgoszcz broke into the club's stadium and left a row of coffins, one for each player (that's right, their own players). They even left one for the owner. Each coffin contained a picture of the player it represented, along with the player's initials written inside a drawing of a penis. The coffins each had a cross laid over the top. 

What did the players at Zawisza Bydgoszcz do to deserve this? They're by far the worst team in the league, haven't won in 10 matches and just dropped a friendly to a second-division team. So that's bad. Death threats bad? No, but still bad. 

Because this is now the benchmark for fan insanity, we wondered: what would the rabid fans of a big club do if their team faced a similar situation? Would we find half of London demolished if Chelsea had an apocalyptic breakdown in the Premiership? Would Catalonia declare a civil war with Spain if Barca suddenly nosedived in the standings? Zawisza Bydgoszcz's fans have set the bar almost impossibly high, but we're sure there's a group of lunatics out there insane enough to top this. we just need to find them.


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