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What Do Gianni Infantino's Shiny Green Cleats Say About His Presidency?

Now that Gianni "Johnny Baby" Infantino has been elected FIFA president, we can all speculate as to what the Gianni Infantino FIFA presidency will actually look like. 

We've been handed our first clue as to the Infantino administration's style, etc. when Johnny Baby showed up to a soccer game next to FIFA's headquarters with shiny green shoes on.

Gianni Infantino And His Shiny Shoes

As a soccer website and the core of a very, extremely mediocre recreational indoor soccer team, we are well-versed in soccer stereotypes, particularly in regards to shoes, particularly in regards to shiny shoes. So let's begin.

If we're going by soccer stereotypes, Infantino's reign over FIFA will be super fancy, with wild, unnecessary flourishes. It will not be amenable to the idea of passing the ball. It will be wildly inconsistent.

Sounds about right for FIFA, really. Fantastically inefficient and prone to excess? If there was ever an image that describes the public's perception of FIFA, it's Gianni Infantino wearing shiny green cleats. On his first day as FIFA president too. The next few years should be fun to watch, if nothing else.

(H/T NBC Sports Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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