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Watch Porto Fans Go Nuts For Their Team Even Though They Just Lost 5-0

After Sadio Mane and his pals ended Porto's 24-match unbeaten streak at home in destructive fashion Wednesday, one would think the Porto fans would be, like, mad or something.

But they weren't. Or, at least, if they had any anger they pushed it down deep inside themselves to be let out later at (to pick a profession at random) a tow-truck driver. Instead, the Porto fans cheered their team following an embarrassing loss just as loudly as they would have following a big win.

This is a good example of how to cheer for a team in a positive manner that fans of other clubs will surely follow after suffering 5-0 defeats at home. The winds of change, I can hear them blowing.

Just kidding. Football fans will continue to boo the hell out of their teams should results fall below expectations. Except for, apparently, Porto. Maybe being two points clear at the top of the Premeira Liga with a game in hand has something to do with that, though.

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