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Tim Howard Silences His Haters With The Save Of The Year

Tim Howard has been catching a lot of flack since putting in arguably the best goal keeping performance at Brazil 2014. His club, Everton, have been floundering all year, a shadow of the top-4-challenging side of last year, and it has been widely accepted that he is no longer the world-class goal keeper he used to be. Hate has pretty much been reigning down on him like all those shots 10 months ago. 

So what does he do when he’s out of form, out of love, and his team is failing? Oh, he just goes and makes the save of the year. 

We feel like we just saw the original 300 for the first time again; that was the closest thing we have seen to a superhuman feat since Zlatan decided to bicycle kick a ball from 40 yards out

We never lost faith in you, Tim. As for those who did, well, we’re having a hard time finding them right now. 

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