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These Two Goals Prove Luis Suarez Is The Best Player In The World

It has happened. The Luis Suarez that absolutely tore up the Premier League in his last season at Liverpool has come alive at Barcelona, and the rest of the world can’t decide whether or not it should faint at the sight of his glory or cower in fear at the thought of facing him in competition.

Some thought that a front three of Suarez, Neymar, and Lionel Messi would never be able to co-exist, that they all were too individualistic to perform at their highest levels together. With each passing game we are finding out just how wrong those people were.

They are not only co-existing, they are thriving. The argument is no longer “who will not fit?” It is “who is the best?” And it must be said that right now, the best player at Barcelona — no, the best player in the world, is Luis Suarez. Neymar is world-class. Lionel Messi is still just a game away from reclaiming the thrown, but right now, there is absolutely no one who can touch the form that Luis Suarez is in.

The two goals that Luis Suarez scored against PSG were pure, transcendent brilliance, a superlative that is quickly becoming synonymous with the Uruguayan’s name. He made David Luis look like a joke, and finishing in the top corner seem like a force of habit.

The unfortunate Luis was nutmegged in the lead up to both goals, and after the game Suarez would say nutmegging was his only option, as if the moment was somehow out of his control. If anything this is the scariest part of the whole day. He wasn’t brilliant because he chose to be, he was brilliant because there was no other way. 

I, for one, hope he never has options ever again.

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