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Ronaldo Says He’s Been The Best Player Of The Past 20 Years

Well he’s never lacking for confidence, is he? Cristiano Ronaldo, the 31-year-old Real Madrid and Portugal forward has come out and said he believes he has been the best player of the past 20 years. 

Ronaldo has long held that he believes he can play at the highest level for years to come, despite being on the wrong side of 30, and his latest statements allude a belief that what he has yet to accomplish will prove that he has been the best player of the past two decades.

Speaking to Italy’s Undici (H/T Goal), here’s all of what Ronaldo had to say:

"Where would I rate myself amongst the top players of the last twenty years? Thinking positively, then I believe with what I’ve achieved, I’m the best of the lot.

"The best athletes always influence their sport, so I think I’ve had an important impact. I can’t say how much, but if you can run faster, jump higher than the rest, be consistently strong and agile, then you can make your talent as effective as it can be.”

"I’ve worked hard to get to the highest level and I’ll continue doing it to stay where I am. I maintain the same attitude and dedication in every single training session and in every match.” 

"I look after myself so I can keep making history in football well into the future."

Of course, there are many who would put Ronaldo firmly in second place behind Lionel Messi in the debate of who has been the best player of the past 20 years. Messi has won two more Ballon d’Ors than Ronaldo, and throughout the pair’s domestic battles in La Liga it has to be said Messi and Barcelona have gotten the best of Ronaldo and Real Madird.

But who are we to dim Ronaldo’s light?

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