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Petr Cech, A Chelsea Legend, Has Just Shown How A Classy Player Switches Clubs

It’s official, people: Petr Cech is coming to Arsenal. 

As expected of someone as seasoned and successful as Cech, he left in just about as classy of a way as he possibly could: the rumors surrounding his transfer never became a pain; negotiations never became an ordeal greater than they needed to be. In the last act of this transfer saga that wasn’t, Cech tweeted out a good-bye letter addressed to “everybody involved at Chelsea Football Club.”

That is a legend in action. 

As sports fans, we have the luxury of being able to see acts of greatness with out very own eyes, in ways that few people ever get to appreciate in any other calling. We have teams winning trebles, Messi running past defenders, Xavi, Iniesta, Andrea Pirlo passing the ball; we’re spoiled, really. Even in our gluttony of greatness, however, we see it off the field not even a 1/4th as much as we see it on it. 

Transfers are often the most infuriating, poisonous, and alienating facet of soccer. They tend to go bad, and then they tend to go really bad. Czech’s farewell letter is so opposite of all of that it makes you wonder if only someone who was born to play in goal, while everyone else hates doing so, is capable of breaking the mold in such a way. 

The class of the Premier League between the posts for the past decade is coming to the red, North side of London, and Arsenal fans are rejoicing for more reasons than one. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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