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Louis Van Gaal Wants His Players To Get Horny

Louis van Gaal wants his players to be horny for the Europa League. Seriously. Here's the man himself.

This is hardly a surprise. The best article I've ever read about van Gaal, by Brian Phillips, my favorite soccer writer not employed by this website, begins like this:

The first time Louis van Gaal pulled his pants down in front of his players happened in — but hang on; let’s walk that back a second. The first time Louis van Gaal pulled his pants down in front of his players that we know of happened in 2009, when he was managing Bayern Munich.

Hopefully Van Gaal wasn't demonstrating horniness to his players when he pulled his pants down. That's an image no one can un-see. His motivational tactics are his business, but if I said something like that HR would be so far up my a**—(is gagged, tied up and thrown into a proper workplace behaviors seminar).

In a related story, The18 has gotten hold of a copy of the speech van Gaal plans to use to fire up his players before the return leg against Midtjylland.

Louis Van Gaal Pregame Speech

Nothing can stop them now.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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