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This Juggling Dog Is More Internet Famous Than Brazil’s Next Young Superstar

This juggling dog has gotten a lot of publicity lately. I don’t know his name, and until this video I wasn’t sure he was based in Brazil. I didn’t even know if he was famous outside of the viral videos depicting him juggling a soccer ball. I think I can put all of those uncertainties to rest now, because GoPro has hired him and Brazilian superstar Gabriel “Gabigol” Barbosa in order to make a glorified GoPro commercial. 

It’s 88,000+ views don’t exactly qualify the video as viral, not when GoPro’s YouTube account has 3.8 million subscribers, but it is pretty fun to watch.

juggling dog

Photo: YouTube

I wonder how Gabigol feels now that he knows his global celebrity is pretty much on par with a dog that can juggle a soccer ball. Don’t get me wrong, Gabigol is certified famous in Brazil, but outside of it? Let’s just say a lot more people on the internet have seen that dog juggle a soccer ball than have seen Gabigol live up to his nickname. Like, hundreds of thousands more. Which is a shame, because Gabigol is dope.

Keep scoring goals, Gabriel. You’ll beat that soccer ball juggling dog one day. I know you will.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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