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Fat Ronaldo Can Still Jump High

Ronaldo is far away from his playing weight of 165 these days. There is even an online game called “Run Ronaldo Run,” where you control the famous Selecao player and have to avoid sodas and burgers as you run away from Argentina's Hernan Crespo.

Let's trace some of the history of "Fat Ronaldo." The former Brazilian phenom was packing quite the gut back in 2012, but by 2013 the second all time leading goal scorer had shed the poundage and was looking good for the up coming World Cup. Fast forward to 2014 and Ronaldo is back to having that gut he worked to hard to get rid of. But the good news is Ronaldo is working to shed his extra layer and in the process, is showing the world that he still has a little bit of bounce left in his legs. 

Here is an Instagram video posted by Ronaldo this week of him conquering a 113 centimeter standing jump. Check it out: 


Pretty impressive. But we can’t let him off the hook that easy. It took Ronaldo a couple of tries before he finally landed the 44.5 inch jump. 


You can look at his previous posts and you will see he conquers the 100 and 110 centimeter jumps with ease. Keep up the good work Ronaldo. You’ve lost the weight before and you can do it again, but in the meantime, keep posting your wipeouts along the way.

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