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This English Club Forgot How To Do Sportsmanship

English fifth-division side Guiseley provided a very good teachable moment for the youth of the soccer world this weekend with a knuckleheaded breach of sporting etiquette.

Specifically, they failed to follow one of the most hallowed unwritten rules in soccer, concerning the aftermath of an injury.

The interesting part begins right around the 7:00 mark.

Guiseley Do A Bad Thing

Oh, no, don't do that.

For the uninitiated in soccer etiquette: when a player goes down with an injury you kick the ball out of play and the other team gives it back to you on the restart. It's an unwritten rule, but it's adhered to so closely that when a team accidentaly scores on a restart and the other team is usually allowed a free goal. People take this sort of thing seriously.

That, obviously, is not what the Guiseley players did. When their player accidentally scored, they did not allow the free goal in return, and tempers subsequently flared.

So, for any kids who want to be soccer players who happen to be reading this: don't do that. Be a good sport. Sports are fun. 

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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