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Cat Got Your Tongue? These Famous Soccer Quotes Have Got Your Back

Have you ever tired of life’s most banal small talk? Footballers, while hardly known for being the wittiest and most eloquent bunch, know how you feel. Game after game after game, they're hit with the same questions regarding the match outcome, their personal performance and what the future holds.

Through the endless tedium of standardized, politically correct responses, ocassionally, someone will drop a standout gem. Like a diamond floating in a sea of turds, this sagacious wisdom offers us a beacon of guidance in an otherwise dark world.

Here is our collection of soccer quotes that you can use to great effect in everday conversation.

Famous Soccer Quotes For Use In Everyday Conversation

If someone asks you how work is going:

“I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel.”

-Stuart Pearce

If someone asks you how you spent your weekend:

“I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”

-George Best

If someone asks you why you’re eating alone:

“Maybe they hate me because I’m too good.”

-Cristiano Ronaldo 

If someone asks you how you’re doing:

“I’m as happy as I can be, but I have been happier.”

-Ugo Ehiogu

If a friend asks if you want to hang out:

“I’ll f****** see you out there!”

-Roy Keane

When your boss or teacher asks you to do meaningless work:

“You bought a Ferrari but you drive it like a Fiat.”

-Zlatan Ibrahimovic

If someone asks you if you’re enjoying your food:

“If you eat caviar every day it’s difficult to return to sausages.”

-Arsene Wenger

If someone asks you what you think about the latest gossip:

“If that’s not a bullshit story, I’ll eat a broomstick.”

-Jurgen Klopp

Finally, for anything, and I mean anything, else you might be asked: 

“When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.”

-Eric Cantona

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