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This Awkward Reporter Can’t Deal With How Badly Scotland Failed On Live TV

It sucks to be Scottish football right now. First they made soccer look like the worst version of keepy-uppy ever, now they can’t even set up their own tournament. Keep in mind that the following clip of an awkward reporter and the president of the Scottish FA was broadcast on national television. 

What happened was…that broadcaster had absolutely no idea what to say when the president of the Scottish FA (the bloke in the middle) announced that there was a problem the drawing for the Scottish FA Cup and it would have to be redone.

Let’s all take a minute to appreciate what might be the most awkward moment in Scottish television history by looking at that reporter’s face again.

awkward reporter scottish president

Photo: Streamable

It’s like there was a checklist in his head: explain the situation, act like everything is fine, exude calm, transition back to the studio. But he was so overwhelmed he forgot to explain the situation. You can literally see the moment when he questions whether or not what he saw actually happened.  

Allow me to explain what actually happened. There are domestic cup tournaments in almost every football playing nation in Europe. Just like in American tournaments such as the NFL playoffs, there are several matches that happen in each round of a tournament, one team wins and one team loses and the winners move on to the next round. The difference being that in Europe the match ups in the next round are decided by a drawing in which teams are randomly selected to play each other.

The clip above was supposed to be the drawing for the semifinal of the Scottish Cup quarterfinals, instead it turned into “Elderly Man Thwarted By Hollow Plastic Ball,” which honestly I would have preferred to watch anyways, all things being equal. 

Imagine easter egg hunting with that guy. Imagine walking around finding open candy sitting next to open plastic eggs in random places, and suddenly turning a corner and locking eyes with some old guy with a Scottish accent and an expectant look in his eye, gesturing towards you with an open egg in one hand and candy in the other, saying to you “I’m sorrey, we’ll half to redoo this last egg hiding. We a problem here.” Imagine that. 

And then go sit down and have yourself a chuckle, because that’s f***ing hilarious. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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