We got a very interesting Facebook comment on a recent article.
What would happen? What would we do? We thought about it and made a list. Here's what we would do if we didn't like playing soccer:
Write a screenplay
Go back to school
Investigate who really killed JFK
Play MarioKart
Get caught up on bills and stuff
Visit every National Park
Find the Holy Grail
Finally read "Infinite Jest"
Volunteer for charities
Go camping
Learn a foreign language
Join the Peace Corps
Reconnect with old friends
Build an apocalypse shelter
Meet Bruce Willis
Go to the dentist
Build a time machine, go back in time and kill Hitler
Climb mount Everest
Watch TV
Make friends
Have significant others
Get jobs
Hang around
Do stuff
Take the trash out
Play other sports
Go on vacation
Take a nap
Go to the movies
Get a dog
Walk the dog
Do the dishes
Become a ninja
Swim across the English Channel
Sail around the world
Go to space
Go to space again
Knit a scarf
And maybe a hat to go with it
And some mittens
Learn to drive a stick shift
Think about death
Bake a cake
Go to the bank
Swim with the dolphins
Get attacked by a shark
The end