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Will Carlo Ancelotti Be The Next AC Milan Head Coach?

AC Milan and new coach Sinisa Mihajlovic are currently struggling for form. With just three wins in their first eight Serie A matches, questions about the manager’s future are already being asked at the San Siro. Rightly or wrongly, much more was expected from this team, which spent well over 86 million Euros in the summer.

That €86 million was spent on new signings such as Carlos Bacca and Luiz Adriano, who were supposed to lead the line for Milan. Although Bacca has scored four goals, Milan as a whole has only scored nine goals in eight fixtures so far.

The midfield and backline too were set to be shored up for the foreseeable future with the signings of young Italian talent: Alessio Romagnoli and Andrea Bertolacci, respectively, although both have failed to live up to the hype.

And who can forget Milan’s favorite son Mario Balotelli? Returning from a flopped stint at Liverpool, Balotelli was supposed to rejuvenate his career back home, and though he has shown flashes, he is currently sidelined with injury.

What will it take to save a stuttering Milan side? Perhaps another homecoming, this one in the managerial post, is just what the doctor ordered at AC Milan.

Carlo Ancelotti, the man who seems to be rumored with every vacant job in Europe as of late — including most recently Liverpool and even Bayern Munich — would fit right back into the club that regards him a legend. And why wouldn’t AC Milan welcome him back?

Sinisa Mihajlovic seems to be out of his depth in Milan and supposedly is even taking formation and player selection advice from owner Silvio Berlusconi (Mihajlovic himself denies this). Perhaps it is too much too soon for a fairly unaccomplished manager.  

Carlo Ancelotti, on the other hand, is a serial winner at the San Siro, winning two European Cups, a Serie A league title and a Coppa Italia. Winning is just part of Ancelotti’s DNA. He wins wherever he coaches and perhaps he is the only man capable of returning that winning culture to a pitiful Rossoneri squad.

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