
Qatar Reportedly Sabotaged US And Australia 2022 World Cup Bids

Qatar’s 2022 World Cup just can’t seem to stay away from controversy. First it was the allegations of bribery, then it was the deaths of workers building the stadiums (still an ongoing issue), and more recently it was the decision to host the 2022 World Cup during November and December.

Learn How The FIFA Corruption Scandal Hinged On Just One Careless Checking Deposit In Ken Bensinger's "Red Card"

What's clear in Ken Bensinger's "Red Card" book is that corruption was ubiquitous in soccer long before news of the FIFA scandal made headlines. That won't surprise many fans, but the details of how U.S. law enforcement broke open its case against FIFA and the extent of the organization's corruption are incredibly revealing.

The 2022 World Cup Is Going To Bring Some Major Changes

It’s especially important to soak in the final two games of the 2018 World Cup this summer, since soccer fans will have to wait an extra six months before the 2022 World Cup begins. Due to Qatar’s brutally hot temperatures during the summer, the tournament will run from November 21 until December 18. 

The 28-day timeframe is four days fewer than Russia 2018. That means there will be more games each day and less recovery time for teams.

Did Zinedine Zidane Quit Real Madrid For A Big-Money Offer He Couldn't Refuse?

If you haven’t heard already, Zinedine Zidane recently quit his role as manager at Real Madrid. The news comes just after he guided Los Blancos to their third Champions League final victory in three years — an incredible feat for a manager who was thrown into the deep end.

These Teams Are Better Than World Cup Hosts Russia And Qatar At Soccer

Russia and Qatar will host the next two World Cups. But neither country is very good at soccer. It may be hypocritical right now to throw dirt on Russia and Qatar after the U.S. failed to qualify for the World Cup themselves, but let’s be bitter Americans and point out all the teams that are better than Russia and Qatar in soccer.

FIFA Opens Disciplinary Proceedings Against Dele Alli Over Bronx Salute

FIFA, the organization whose scandalous bidding processes for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups revealed rampant institutional corruption, has opened disciplinary proceedings against England’s Dele Alli for his obscene gesture on Monday.

Qatar Eliminated From World Cup Contention, Confirm Status As Worst Host Nation Ever

Syria’s 3-1 victory over Qatar in World Cup qualifying on Thursday was remarkable for two reasons: 1.) Syria are now in third place in Group A heading into the final matchday, a finish that would see them improbably qualify for the fourth round playoff. 2.) Defeat for Qatar means that they’ve been mathematically eliminated from the 2018 World Cup, so they’ll be the first nation since Italy in 1934 to host the tournament without having ever taken part.

2022 World Cup Preparation Is Costing Qatar $500 Million Per Week

Qatar, the small country on the Arabian Peninsula with a population less than that of Nevada, is spending almost half a billion dollars per week in preparation for the 2022 World Cup according to the country’s finance minister.

As reported by World Soccer’s Jamie Rainbow, this will amount to more than $200 billion by the time the tournament rolls around. 

These Videos Show Just How Bad The Qatar World Cup Is For Workers

Amnesty International published two new videos that show in gruesome detail the true nature of conditions for migrant workers working on the Qatar 2022 World Cup. The Qatar World Cup is set to be held in the winter, and has been subject of criticisms from almost every angle imaginable. 
