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A Mugger Asked Lorenzo Insigne To Score A Goal For Him. He Didn't

The man who mugged Napoli forward Lorenzo Insigne this weekend had one of the more interesting requests we've heard about from a mugger (we used to be a crime reporter, so this statement is made with at least some authority).

The thief – who made off with €800 in cash, a Rolex and some jewels – had one very peculiar request for Insigne: dedicate a goal to him, the mugger, against Fiorentina on Monday.

Before we get too far into this, we need to chastise Lorenzo Insigne for carrying €800 in cash on his person. Dude, we know you weren't on your way to the strip club (he had his wife with him), and that's the only circumstance we can think of that might require that kind of cash, short of a blackmail or ransom payment. Don't you know what a credit card is? Are you one of those folks who refuses to carry credit cards because you think it's a scam? It's a good way to build a credit rating! And even then, get a debit card. Yeesh.

Per The Guardian:

"Insigne was driving with his wife and two friends late on Saturday when he stopped at a traffic light. A gunman on the back of a motorbike which pulled level with the car then forced the four occupants to hand over their valuables."

Insigne, for what it's worth, did not score a goal in Napoli's 1-1 tie against Fiorentina Monday, leaving the mugger goal dedication-less. Justice.

(H/T The Guardian)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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