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Manchester City Star Claims He Sees Dead People. No, Seriously.

Fabian Delph's Manchester City career is in dire need of a resurrection. Fortunately for the Englishman, he's in direct contact with those that could tell him how to best go about doing that. Speaking with the Manchester City FC's YouTube channel, Delph shocked the show's presenter, and viewing audience, with a revealing answer to a fan submitted question regarding ghosts.

The beginning of the interview sees Delph cooly handling questions regarding his acromonious departure from Aston Villa and detailing his relationships with teammates. Displaying a sharp wit and sound judgement, Delph answers questions with an easy frankness that never fails him, particularly when the subject matter is turned toward the area of poltergeists. 


The conversation is sparked by a YouTube commentator asking, "I don't know if you believe if ghosts are real or not, but what would you do if you saw a ghost?" Because every important and revealing interview absolutely needs some form of this question. 

Although the entire interview is worth a watch, you can find Delph's response to the most important question at the 4:54 mark.

"I see ghosts all the time," deadpans Delph. "Genuinely. I think I've seen probably four. When I first signed for Villa I stayed in a hotel and there were a lot of things moving in the room. A lot of bangs - it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And about four months ago in my house I saw two ghosts in the bedroom."

Is it possible that Delph has just had a couple of his old Aston Villa teammates over? They're certainly displaying all the qualities of the walking dead at this point. 

While Delph has opened himself up to ridicule from incredulous cynics, he's also opened himself up to a variety of jokes concering the trajectory of his career. Delph has made only five Premier League starts for Manchester City this season. As the captain of Aston Villa last season, he started 27 matches.

His performances for Villa also saw him capped five times for England in 2015. Now, he hardly factors into Roy Hodgson's plans. Many commentators are wondering if the fantasms are the ghosts of his footballing career. 


Delph displays a level of clairvoyance at the end of the interview when he says, "That's an exclusive: Delph sees ghosts," nicely predicting the entirety of this article. 

(H/T: Daily Mail)

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