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Goalkeeper Says: Who Needs Hands With Moves Like This?

A goalkeeper’s lot is a simple one, right? They just stand around for 90 minutes, wrapped up in their leggings and elbow pads, shouting at defenders. Then, once every half hour or so, they’re forced to actually do something vaguely athletic. Easy Peasy. 

So when a ‘keeper thinks outside the box - when they turn around and say “Yeah, I have gloves, but check out my mad football skillz” - it’s our God-given duty to stand up and applaud their over-exuberance. 

Step forward Matias Cano of Argentine 3rd division side UAI Urquiza. During Urquiza’s recent fixture against the marvellously named Deportivo Moron, Cano saw the ball lobbing over his head and thought: “Yes, I could tip that over the bar, but an overhead kick would be much more fun." And that’s exactly what he did:

But where does Cano’s save rank in the pantheon of Goalkeeping Over-Exuberance? While his overhead acrobatics are impressive, they pale into insignificance when compared to the master of the unnecessary: Rene Higuita. 

Higuita’s legendary scorpion kick save for Colombia against England is the pinnacle of superfluous risk-taking: the ball was heading straight into his midriff; all he had to do was open his arms and welcome the pig-skin into his warm embrace. But no; he decided to do this instead:

There have been poor imitations since, but Higuita’s scorpion remains the original and best. So congratulations, Rene: nearly two decades on and you’re still the undisputed king of redundant brilliance.

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