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Goalie Scores Scorpion Kick Equalizer

Last week, we compared Argentine keeper Matias Cano’s stellar overhead save to Higuita’s unreal scorpion save from 1995. Well, what if we have a video that shows off an even better moment for goalkeepers? 

Below is a video (terrible quality unfortunately) from the fourth division of Spanish soccer. Football club Sarinena was down 2-3 in the final moments of the game before a final corner kick. The ball bounced around before a Sarinena player simply kicked the ball back into the danger zone. After a deflection, goalie Pedro channeled his inner Higuita and buried a stellar scorpion kick goal. Let’s go through this:

Goalie scores: 

Goalie scores equalizer: 

Goalie scores equalizer in stoppage time: 

Goalie scores on a scorpion kick: 

Yep, seems pretty legendary. 

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