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The Fans Refused To Be Quiet, But Then This Blind Opera Singer Brought The House Down

When I found out that Claudio Ranieri and Leicester City had brought out Andrea Bocelli to serenade the King Power Stadium before Leicester City’s first match as Premier League champions, I got really excited. Not only because Nessum Dorma is one of my favorite songs, or that only a few days prior we at The18 had used it as the soundtrack to a reaction video for Eden Hazard’s goal that won Leicester the title, but because I knew that it would be one of the greatest scenes I would see all year.

Cinematic doesn’t quite do it justice. Surreal, epic, moving, touching, unbelievable; contemplate all of those words and you begin to get an idea of what Bocelli’s performance meant to a soccer fan like me, to a human being like me.

What made it even better was how the crowd wouldn’t be quiet at first. They were going to drink and be marry and chant and Andrea Bocelli wasn’t going to overshadow them. But then he did, with a little help from Claurdio Ranieri. It showed, as Leicester had all season, that you simply can’t keep a good performance down.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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