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This Fan Brawl At USA Vs. Mexico Lived Up To The Hype

Great teams raise their games when the stakes are highest. So do great fanbases. So do great fighters. So do members of great fanbases who are also great fighters, or at least willing fighters.

This is what happened Saturday in the Rose Bowl during the USA vs. Mexico match. The game itself was one of the most exciting clashes in recent memory. It was made even more exciting for the select few fans who got to be near/participate in this brawl.

It starts with two Mexico fans yelling at each other, using words that if I translated and typed in English in this article would get me fired. Then it follows to its logical next step which is them hitting each other, which follows to its next logical step, which is everyone hitting each other. And kicking each other. Basically any appendage that could be used to cause bodily harm to another human is used in this brawl.

The whole section is involved, even the guy on the periphery yelling "World Star! World Star!" until security steps in and ends it. We don't know what happened to the fighters after, but we assume they were escorted from the stadium and therefore missed Paul Aguilar's wonder goal and ensuing wonder celebration.

This article is not meant as an indictment of Mexico fans. By most accounts both fanbases behaved themselves as honorably as could be expected during such a big rivalry game. Every fan ase has its hooligans, and it could have easily been USA fans in that brawl. But when USA fans do brawl, don't forget to yell "World Star!" the whole time. It makes everything better.

(H/T Deadspin)

Contact THe18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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