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Cesc Fabregas Gets Ornery Over Staying Up Late

Cess Fabregas took to Snapchat on Tuesday night to vent about a mandatory anti-doping test that took place at, get this, 11:30 PM. Fabregas, who makes $11.5 million per year to kick around a football for a few hours a day, sarcastically applauded UEFA officials who were simply carrying out the World Anti-Doping Agency code. 

Precious Little Cesc Fabregas Gets Ornery Over Staying Up Late

Cesc asked for a SpongeBob band-aid. Photo: @IrishRedDevilz | Twitter

Captioning his Snapchat with the words ‘BRAVO!!!!’, Fabregas pouted over the injustice of it all. Although the effectiveness of “random testing” probably has something to do with the element of surprise indicated in the word “random”, Fabregas would’ve much preferred the testing to have taken place at some point during his work day.


You know, like when he was eating a continental breakfast at Chelsea’s £20 million Cobham Training Centre, receiving a massage from the physical therapist or when lounging in a recovery pool. But no, instead these thoughtless UEFA dickheads decide to show up right after an intense session of FIFA 16, and right before he was going to tuck in for an uninterrupted eight hours of sleep.

The life of a professional footballer, and millionaire 28-year-old, is just so unfair. Throughout the 2014/15 season, UEFA collected 2,388 samples across all competitions, returning no positive cases in any of those samples. Fabregas is lucky that he's not being tested for being a dainty little flower. 

Precious Little Cesc Fabregas Gets Ornery Over Staying Up Late

Shut up, Cesc. Photo: @Mordu2Foot | Twitter

(H/T: Daily Mail

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