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The Best Skills Of 2016 Somehow Make It Look Like Hazard Had A Good Season

It’s that time of year. YouTube publishers are pushing out their end of the season round-ups of the best we have seen this year, whether it be skills, goals, or celebrations. It’s an exciting time to be a soccer fan, and a dangerous time if you are one of the many people that gobbles up these videos like crack cocaine. 

One of the stand out videos recently released is FEEL MY STYLE’s 2016 skills compilation. To say it’s got some dope moves in it is an understatement, but what is most enticing about it is that it features relatively unseen footage from players like Ricardo Quaresma and Charles Musonda.

If there’s one thing that ruins a video such as this, it’s having seen all the footage before, and this is a problem FEEL MY STYLE’s project certainly does not have.

It’s a long video but one that’s worth watching, even if it’s in stages. I mean, he made Eden Hazard’s year look kind of impressive, you gotta respect the love of the game behind that.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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